Friday, August 21, 2009

Abke's are on the move!

Thats right.. The Abke's are selling their house!! Why? I'm not sure. When we first moved into this house, we knew it would probably be a 2-5 year keeper. We love this house, but there are things that we would like different. Plus I think we secretly love the change of moving to new houses, fixing them up a little and then moving on to the next. After we added the back patio, we pretty much maxed out on the upgrades. Basically it wouldn't matter how much more we added on or upgraded, we wouldn't get our money back.

With that being said, Sean has always dreamed of owning a house on a big hunk of land.. like a couple of acres. We found a house for sale on 1.6 acres with the MOST beautiful house I have EVER seen!!!! Basically it was the perfect combination of what I always dreamed of + what Sean always dreamed of. It is a really good price, even though that price happens to be a smidge out of our price range... We basically were about to give up on the dream house, but then we were flipping through the channels that night and Sean stopped on the Joel Osteen channel. He had the perfect sermon and we felt like he was talking to us!! It was about dreaming big because we have a BIG God who wants all of our dreams to come true. It was actually hilarious because Sean and I kept looking at each other saying- See?! Joel wants us to get our dream house!! hahaha So we decided to go for it! We listed our house today (thankfully my sister is our realtor) and the sign is in the yard! We are nervous, but we know that if it was meant to be then everything will just fall into place! But in the event that our house sells, and the dream house has been sold to someone else, we found a couple of other options that aren't quite AS dreamy, but still fantastic! I will keep everyone posted about the progress.

Here is the link to our house for sale!! Do you know anyone that wants to move to Brittany Lakes?? :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's been awhile....

Good grief! I haven't written on here in months! Well it's been a busy Abke house around here. Sean's brother Deon has been living with us for a few months (long story) and so we will randomly have one or two of his kids come visit. We also just had our living room repainted! Yay! I secretly hated the 1st color (yellowish) but it was too much work to re-paint the 600 foot walls. This time we hired some cheap help and it was soooo worth it. The new paint fits our style better and is so much more relaxing.
Also, Sean has recently started working from home which is exciting. He still kind of works for the same company, but is an agent. So technically he works for himself, which is just another step in opening his own company one day! Sean loves it so far, because he doesn't have to listen to all the negative gossiping old ladies at his work and gets to stay out of all the drama. This will probably help with his health issues which have recently come up.. For the last month or two he has been randomly getting nauseous and his stomach will burn.. It got so bad that he had to get some anti-puke medicine before we went on our trip to Wisconsin just so he could enjoy himself. It didn't help that much.. I drug him to the doctor which referred him to another doctor which referred him to another doctor. The last one we visited did an ultrasound on his belly to make sure he didn't have gallstones and would then have to get it removed. Sean secretly wanted this to happen (because he is crazy) so that they would remove it and he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.. I am anti- surgery so I was praying that it wasn't the case. The results haven't came in yet, but the doctor doing the ultrasound said that everything looked normal! Even his liver!! Woo Hoo! hahaha So now we have to make an appointment for the GI doctor and they are going to knock him out and put a scope down his throat to check his stomach for ulcers. (I have been telling him it was this for months, but he won't listen) :) So we will see what happens!! He is extremely freaked out about the scope down the throat thing...and said he would rather have them cut his stomach open and remove an organ, than do that. I know...crazy. So we are praying that everything is fine, but I just think he has a stress induced ulcer, from his "challenged" brother and the crazy people at his work. He has been feeling better though, because I got him to stop drinking coffee and force him to eat organic healthy foods and drink anti-stress tea. :)

Other than that... Reese is amazing and smart and says hilarious new things every day!! She is really good at her sentences and loves to sing Twinkle Little Star and Row Row Row Your Boat... Which are both equally hilarious. We caught her singing on camera, so one day I will try to put it on here. She took swimming lessons this summer and hated it every day except the last two. Go figure. She is protesting the potty because she is extremely stubborn and wants to do everything on her own time. Plus, one day she told me that it was too cold on her buns. Sean suggested a seat warmer, and I told him over my dead body. Hahaha what lengths we will go for our children... She also likes helping daddy in the office by grabbing all of the faxes that come in and running them over to him.. We will see how long that is considered cute. :)

I have other Binkie Baby news, but I'm sleepy now, so I will catch everyone up on that later!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Newbies!!

Hey everyone!!

I just added some cute new things to my website!! Baby Booties by Baby Bella Maya, and super cute slings from them also..

Also these cuuuuuuute Bandana Dresses that fit 12-18 months to 3-4T!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My broken babies.

So I've been bad about my blogging..but its been a weird couple of weeks around here.. First of all, we have been battling Reese's strange virus. It started out a couple weeks ago when she spiked an extremely high fever on a wednesday night. She was acting normal for the most part..laughing and saying Hi mama! every 5 one point she accidentally kicked Sean when we were laying in bed and said, "Oops..sowwie!" (sorry). Her cheeks were getting bright red and she was seriously on fire. It got up to 103.8 and Motrin was not bringing it down.. So I chunked her in the bathtub (not literally) and gave her a lukewarm bath. (Works every time btw) That brought it down to 101.5. Needless to say we were freaked out since she had no other symptoms. It was a long night for mommy.. I think I checked her temp about 567 times that night.

I took her to the Doc the next day, which went well..besides sitting next to nasty kids with puke buckets. She had to get her blood taken and they stabbed her thumb with a needle thing and squeezed blood into a tube for like 2 minutes. She didn't even flinch! She was amazed by her blood coming out I think.. It was kinda creepy/cool. The nurse was impressed. This goes along with my theory that she has that weird disease where you can't feel pain. (Not really..but the kid rarely cries when she gets hurt.. Its weird. I think I've only seen her do it once..when she dropped a can of green beans on her toe and split it open..) Anyways, they tested her blood and said it was a virus and that it should be gone in 5 days. Well she only had 1 more fever after that..and we thought we were in the clear. Except she wasn't really acting like herself..she was really tired and lazy all the time..and she wasn't making messes everywhere..which was weird..and she wasn't laughing or talking much. I was a little weirded out and everyone kept telling me I was paranoid. My mom-dar was telling me that something was wrong though. So I kept a close eye on her. Then 3 days after she was supposedly done with the virus, she got another fever. Sean and I decided to go on a movie date..since we never go, and Reese was at my parents. We got a million texts during the movie (which we didn't see til it was over of course) from my mom saying Reese has 102.4 fever...blah blah blah.. So we rushed home as I was having an anxiety attack. She was excited to see us, but just curled up in a ball in my lap. :( It was sad. I took her back to the Dr. the next day thinking she was dying of like the bird flu or something.. and they did all the tests again and said yep! still a virus.. looks like she just got re-exposed. So..whatever. My poor baby layed around for 2 more days with a low-grade fever and this time I didn't give her medicine. Apparently your body fights off viruses better at a higher temperature..hence the reason why your body raises its temp.. So when you take medicine to bring it just prolongs the virus. As long as your baby doesn't have a really high fever (like 103-104) and its during the day..I highly recommend not giving meds to bring it down. Anyways after 2 days of the low fevers, she finally fought it off. (I hope) and she is back to normal! She is eating again, and playing, and trashing our house, and we love every second of it! It was so sad watching her lay around for a week and a half.. All she wanted to do is watch cartoons and lay on me. :(

Getting into everything again!! Yay!
Also, Sean hurt his neck really bad doing nothing the other day and can barely move it. :( All my babies are broken. I'm doing good though! Minus the no sleep factor for the past week. I am poppin airborne like candy so I don't get any of these weird diseases going around. Ugh. I hate cold and flu season.

In other Binkie Baby news..

I just got in some new Sweet Shoes for the spring!! I need to order more for boys still, but here are some pics of the girls shoes!

Aren't they fun? I also have them in silver, red, and bronze.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Toys are Here!!

The toys I was talking about in an earlier blog are here!! The Grill Set and the Slice and Bake Cookie sets are both $19.99. Get 'em before they're gone!! They would both make a super cute Valentine presents for your little cutie! Visit to order yours!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My latest cake!! For my dad's b-day :)

Reese showing off her new shirt

Reese's new hiding spot. (The pantry)

Mini me!!

My baby is so big!!

Reese had her 18 month check-up on Friday. We were a month and a half late. :) So basically at 19 months, she weighed 24 lbs and was 32 3/4 inches tall. She's getting so big!! She had a couple shots and she took it like a champ. I think she cried more when she was getting weighed and measured.. She is terrified of that thing! Anyways..all is good! Her doctor recommended that I put her in a mothers day out start socializing.. BUT I think I would feel guilty dumping her off somewhere while I sit at home.. it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe when I get pregnant again and am completely exhausted, I might change my mind. :) So in the meantime we enrolled Reese in The Little Gym. She will be starting this Thursday and they had a time open so that Sean can come straight from work to watch! I'm sure it will be quite entertaining.. She already likes doing forward rolls.. She tries to do it by herself, but she pretty much tucks her head and falls on her side, rolls over and starts clapping and says yay!! This has resulted in many bruises on her hip. (I swear I don't beat my kid ) She also knows a dance routine. We add a new move every now and then and its HILARIOUS. I need to record it and share with everyone! She is turning into quite the character! She is starting to want to play dress up and she likes playing with the magnetic dress up doll that I have in my store. Its fun to watch sean play with her and put shoes on the dolls ears and pants for a hat.. I think Reese is going to be confused..haha. She is also talking really well lately, and she will pretty much repeat everything you say. (Dangerous) She will come up to me randomly and say a new word and point to something.. Like she just figured it out for the 1st time.. Its so cute! Her latest sayings are- Where it go? There he is!! Where daddy go? Where is he? Go byebye? Go home!? Aw Tute! (Aw cute), Pease?(please), Tutu!!(Thankyou), BumBom? (spongebob), DA!!(Dora), hoohee(movie), and Sowi! (sorry) The last one she learned cuz she started hitting sean or me and I would put her in the naughty corner.. Then we make her say sorry to whoever she hit and give us a hug when shes done. Now she says sorry for EVERYTHING! She will drop something, or run into you, or throw her shoes down the stairs and say Saaawi!! I think its an attempt to stay out of the corner. ;) least its in her vocab even though she doesn't quite get it yet..

In other news, Binkie Baby is doing well. I have a meeting with an old aquaintence who is a personal chef and makes homemade organic baby food. So I might be adding that option to my store in the next few months!! Super fun!!

I guess thats it for now!!